Chapter 163 Hurry Up and Make a Baby

Harold sighed deeply. “This brat is rather popular. But Chloe, you don’t have to worry about that. They merely like his appearance. When he gets fat after a few years, no one will try to snatch him away from you.”

Chloe released Joseph’s arm and laughed because she was amused. “Grandpa, Jojo won’t get fat. He goes for a run every morning, and he walks Toto every night. He gets lots of exercise.”

Joseph’s self-discipline was admirable. She wondered what kind of woman could handle him.

Lowering his gaze, Joseph stared at his arm which Chloe had just let go of. A tinge of frustration crept into his heart. Why did he have a feeling that this dumbo used him to drive. Jane mad?

Harold wanted to say something else before then he saw Joseph go upstairs. He shouted, ” Where are you going?”

“Maybe he has some work to do. Let him be, Grandpa. I’ll spend some time with you,” Chloe. said considerately, unaware of Joseph’s feelings.

Harold was happy to hear her words. “Fine, let’s just ignore him then. I don’t want to see his sullen face.”

off his clothes to take a hot bath before he put on a bathrobe and went to the

home. Even so, Harold

the door and walked

a cup of hot coffee. He was enjoying the

Brown. He was the only one working overtime in the office with Ms. Chloe tonight. He suggested getting takeout with her, and she was lured out

“Fire him.”

“Mr. Joseph, are you going

and nodded. “Yeah. You should get a guest room and stay here too.”



a tinge

in this house. It was common knowledge what happens if a man and

strongly wished that Joseph. and Chloe would sleep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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