Chapter 199 Once the Novelty Wears Off, She’ll Lose

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Don’t allow Xavia to come between you and Mr. Joseph. Their chapter is closed, and you’re the one who matters to him now. When you two had an argument yesterday, he was in a sour mood all morning. It wasn’t until you arrived that he seemed to brighten up a bit.”

Lucas had been working anxiously the whole morning as he was afraid of enraging Joseph.

Chloe looked at Lucas, taking in his features. With his delicate facial structure and slightly tanned skin, he exuded a spirited demeanor. Aware of his good intentions, she calmly shook her head. “You know that our marriage is fake, right? The contract will expire. We have no relationship beyond that.”

“Don’t you want to fight for it?” Lucas asked.

“What do I have to fight with?” Chloe retorted.

“Mr. Joseph has shown interest in you. You have a chance,” Lucas encouraged.

Chloe scoffed mockingly. “He has never explicitly expressed any romantic feelings toward me. I’ve tried, but the outcome was far from satisfactory. I’m the kind of person who prefers everything to be clear and straightforward, especially when it comes to relationships. I don’t like being toyed with.”

“You know that Mr. Joseph is tough on the outside but a softie on the inside, right? I’m sure he has feelings for you,” Lucas insisted.

Chloe let off a dismissive chuckle. “Are you referring to

infatuation or mere attraction? It’s natural for there to be a sense of novelty in a relationship, but what matters is how things progress once that initial spark fades.”

the presence of novelty in relationships, he understood

Xavia appeared, I had naive thoughts just like you.

now, but she did not have the confidence to believe that she would be an exception. Novelty was not synonymous with love,

to end up being the one

was crucial to know when to cut her losses and maintain her resolve. For her, securing her financial independence took precedence.

could respond, Chloe interrupted, “We’ve arrived. Please hand me


was eye–catching, attracting the attention

go to

tens of

bonuses and compensations from Mr. Joseph,” Chloe said, smiling

compensation?” one

the incident of being locked in the office last night, vividly describing

have neurasthenia. I have to go for regular check–ups from now

of her colleagues transformed into sympathy. They knew that good health was more valuable than any amount of money.

hallucinations. Use the compensation money to treat yourself to some good food,”

arms, feeling a malicious gaze piercing through her back. If looks could kill, Ellie would have murdered Chloe countless

times over.

like I need to speed up the plan.‘

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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