Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 89

Chapter 89

“I’m sorry,” Julian muttered as he snapped back to reality. He really shouldn’t have come today; it only served to make Diana’s blood boil many times in just a day.

“I should never have married you back then.”

How dare he deny everything that happened between them!

Shock flashed past Diana’s eyes. Her fingernails dug silently into the flesh of her palm. “I know. You can leave now.”

As a pregnant woman, she knew she shouldn’t shriek and cry, not to mention getting agitated.

However, she had the right to cry.

So, she demanded, “Please, leave this room right now.”

She wanted to hide under the sheets and cry with her baby inside of her.

If his leaving can appease Diana’s anger and give her rest, Julian was willing to do so. “In the future, I’ll never mention Kayla’s name to you.”


In light of her circumstances, Diana had every right to be angry. He was the inconsiderate one.


other hand, forced herself to regain composure after a

especially one who abandoned her so heartlessly,

meals and rest on

she kept experiencing many vivid dreams; they were always about the past, when Julian

day, everything was

bed. She saw a smile tugging the corners of

her eyes

“It was a good dream

was harsh. No matter how beautiful things were between her

it when something was wrong with Diana. “Did something happen last night after I left?

isn’t in a good condition. After I clean myself up, I just need to put on some eye

said. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She

That’ll save the possibility of a certain someone villainizing you

truly had enough

chance of bumping into Kayla

Nina’s proposal immediately.

to get the money as soon as possible so she could divorce Julian. Third… She wanted to meet

all be in vain. “Fine. But whatever you do, I’ll always stay by your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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