Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 105

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 105

What right did Julian have to tell Diana to kneel and beg for forgiveness?

“How are you not ashamed of what you’ve done?” Julian growled, giving her a vicious glare. The slight warmth he had shown last night was gone, replaced with utter disgust. “Didn’t I say you weren’t allowed to meet Kayla?”

Diana recovered quickly and responded, “Did you think…that I had anything to do with Kayla’s poisoning?”

“You’re the one who talked Kayla into drinking that juice at the party!” Lucy and Lyra suddenly stepped forward, pointing their fingers at Diana and exclaiming loudly for Julian to hear. “It was her! She was jealous of Kayla, so she hurt her!”

Diana was speechless at the scene that was unfolding before her. “What proof do you have that I poisoned. her? Just your word?”

“You still won’t show any remorse!” Julian seemed unwilling to speak another word to her. “After meeting Kayla today, you clearly knew you were simply her stand–in, so you quickly made your move against her!”

Diana was simply a disappointment.

Pain flashed across Julian’s eyes, and he gestured for a bodyguard who pressed Diana’s shoulder. “Kneel!”

your knees until she’s

What a joke!

same amount of viciousness. “Julian Fulcher! Am I really just Kayla’s

handsome man, but his attractive features were now cruel; his words sharp like a blade that could cut through anyone and leave only blood in their wake. “You both look alike.

me meeting her,” Diana said mockingly. “I just


couldn’t help

hardened his heart at Lucy’s words and gave his bodyguard a look. The man immediately held down Diana’s shoulder once more, this time

You have no right to do this to me! Let me

expect Julian to get down on her level. His eyes were narrowed and filled with burning emotions. as he

coldly. “In Richburgh, I

have thought about the consequences

how ruthless the man before her was. “I had nothing to do

It wasn’t her fault!

had the intention to hurt her first. She immediately grasped the thought like

enter the room when she called out, “Have someone find the wine glass in the Winnington residence! Whether Kayla intended to harm me first or I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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