Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 108

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 108

Suffice to say, Oliver’s words enlightened Diana greatly.

That’s right! Why should she care about what others think? All she had to do was continue to protect this child in her belly and keep it safe at all cost. That was her original intention; that was what strengthened her


She couldn’t continue letting her body be treated this way.

Diana gave Oliver a grateful look. “Could you please make a phone call for me?”

“To whom?” Oliver immediately said, pulling out his phone without hesitation. “Just tell me the number,

and I’ll dial.”

Soon, the phone on Madam Fulcher’s end rang. The old woman had just returned from a walk in the garden of the old mansion, and was relaxing in the living room.

heard the maid calling out that she had received a call. She said excitedly, “Diana? Is that you? Are you

the kind old woman stumped Diana. It was only when she processed Madam Fulcher’s words that she realized that the older woman

had left the old mansion without

Madam Fulcher had not said anything, she must have felt bad about the incident. With all that had happened recently, Diana hadn’t bothered calling the old lady to greet her or chat with her. How long had she left Madam Fulcher

about how the older woman had missed her to this extent, Diana simultaneously felt warm and guilty. She couldn’t help but sniffle. “Grandma, I’m not even using my own phone. How did you know it was

replied pretentiously, “The phone line feels cold if Julian calls me. It only feels warm when you do,

through Diana’s tense guard,

she would call family, Grandma would definitely be the


As for Kate…

beginning of this incident, every word she uttered was only concern for Kayla. Even now, after Julian had forced Diana

birth mother also refused to believe that Diana

the joking tone from Madam Fulcher’s voice was gone and turned somewhat serious. “What’s wrong? Has Julian picked on you

brim. Now, she realized that grief at being wronged overwhelmed those feelings. She couldn’t hold

the older woman

the central hospital. From the entrance to the inpatient department, every floor was filled with black–clad

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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