Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 113

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 113

“Kayla,” Julian started once the door closed behind the two older women. “Have you ever lied to me?”

Kayla’s hands, which were hidden under the covers, tightened immediately. She couldn’t stop her brows from furrowing as she endured the pain in her throat and asked, “Julian… What’s wrong?”

What the hell did Diana and that blasted old lady say to him?!

Why did Julian leave the room and return as if he had turned into a different person? He even let Diana leave the hospital!

However, Julian didn’t let her change the topic and insisted, “Have you ever lied to me?”

Kayla’s heart thumped wildly in her chest. In fact, she had lied a lot!

Even from the first day Julian saw her, she had been impersonating Diana to claim that she was Julian’s savior. She had also lied about being kidnapped by Luke, and how she came to damage her vocal cords today. She had lied about everything that involved Diana!

The moment she confessed, things between them would come to

only give rise to more doubt. Kayla thought hard

word she spoke sounded like glass scratching on a blackboard. “I wanted you to look at me more, so I pretended to be sensible and lied about how I didn’t care that my sister was your wife. Even the fact that I’m not having a hard time because you can’t divorce yet. Julian… I lied because I love you too

great pain. She spoke as if she were enduring terrible torture, and she was speaking so

finger on her lips and said gently, “Stop. I

you for understanding me, Julian. I’m aware of the position you’re in. You don’t have to feel guilty that Grandma took

yourself to talk like this,” Julian said, pulling his

in the car, Diana was shocked by Madam Fulcher’s question. She didn’t know what clues the older woman had picked up on, but at this moment, she was

just take this chance

overjoyed the old lady would be to know

was also afraid Julian would find out and

allow anyone but Kayla to

Before she could think of an excuse, Madam Fulcher suddenly said, “No, that can’t be. It’s been such a short time since your last visit to the old mansion, so you wouldn’t have found out so quickly

and said wistfully, “It’s just that the label on this bottle says

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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