Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Julian was enraged. “Reminding you with my presence? Do you think I care about fifteen million dollars?”

“Don’t you?” Diana seemed very calm in comparison. “If you didn’t care, why did you want me to repay you?

Diana did have plans to return the fifteen million dollars to him, but she thought she would take her time to do it. She wasn’t expecting Julian to threaten her into paying him back.

“Because!” Julian immediately stopped himself. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was an air of superiority about him. Suddenly, he changed his mind.

“Why should I tell you?”

Diana chuckled. “It doesn’t matter.”

Anyway, the fact he was forcing her to repay him proved he didn’t want the best for her.

He was simply trying to make life difficult for her. She was certain he was merely punishing her on behalf of the woman who had been pointlessly waiting for her all morning.

“Don’t worry,” Diana said after taking a deep breath. She suppressed her sadness as she spoke. “I won’t go back on my words. I’ll definitely repay you fifteen million dollars within a month.”

She wanted to spare Julian the trouble of being present and thinking of ways to remind her of the unhappy incident yesterday.

at Noel. “Let’s leave already! We wouldn’t want to slow her down from asking Mr. Channing

in the front yard did Diana allow her tears to

over the fact that Julian stayed

familiar. She and Julian shared too many wonderful memories. She couldn’t help but recall the happy times they

up. That way, she would be able

making sure Julian had gone far away, Diana retrieved her phone and gave Nina a call.

fuming, after hearing what Diana said. “Why does he doubt you so much? He can’t stop bringing up Oliver in front of you!” Nina had a quick temper, and she was also much more impulsive than Diana. However, during such

voices of reason.

least, Diana knew there would always be someone on

much fifteen million means to an ordinary person?” Nina was furious. “He’s clearly doing it on

agreement. “I know he just wants to make things tough for me. He wants to watch me suffer, but I won’t

of seeing the

in a shrill voice. She sounded

that?” Diana asked curiously. “Apart from the Winningtons, nobody

should indeed give her the money, but… Kayla was also part of the Winnington

Diana was such a detail–oriented person, so she would

everything after seeing Kayla.

soft. “The Winningtons won’t give you a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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