Chapter 420

Things with Oliver had been a little awkward lately, so wouldn’t it be better to call Fanny?

Anyway, Fanny was Diana’s investor now. If anything happened to her, Fanny’s money would be affected.


Diana ended up calling Fanny and explained her situation briefly. Still, she didn’t expect the latter’s response to be so quick. There wasn’t even a trace of doubt, and Fanny immediately asked for Diana’s location.

“I’ll send someone over.”

Diana didn’t think too much about it and checked her location on her phone before replying, “33, Hawkins. Road.”

“Got it. I have a shoot now, so I’ll be hanging up.”

Even though Fanny had been brief and to the point, it lifted the burden on Diana’s shoulders. She quickly asked the driver to stop by the side of the road, and quietly waited for the person Fanny had arranged to come.

She never expected it to be Oliver.

From a distance, she saw the figure of Oliver in a white lab coat approaching her.

Diana was stunned. “Why are you here?”

For half a month, she had been busy with studio work and had avoided contact with him. She was surprised to see the person Fanny had sent was him.

When he heard Diana’s words, disappointment flashed in his eyes for a brief moment before it was gone as he said, “You don’t want to see me?”


She just…

out how to reject him yet.

seen her hesitation. He handed her the jacket in his hand. “Put this on.”

on, it immediately wrapped her petite figure firmly, only revealing her bright, stunning, dainty face; the ensemble served to make her

scrutinizing gazes

been in the limelight lately, and it can’t be helped

wrist, taking her toward his parked car. “If you have a bad feeling again, make sure to call promptly like

with him. “Maybe I was just being paranoid. They’re all looking at

that there was something


call just now. I received a patient who had a

that, he heard from Fanny that Diana might be in danger and

time to change his

mind only returned when he finally saw that Diana

he finished speaking, his gaze fell back on Diana, and he finally realized how

looked like they were practically glowing in the night. Her whole person was covered with the black coat,

an oversight on my part,” Oliver

was embarrassed by how much Oliver

wrong. I was the one who disturbed you while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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