Chapter 425


Noel nodded. “I got it, sir.”

“As for the person behind the landlord…” Julian glanced up at Noel with a sharp gaze. “Look into it too. Find out why he suddenly came out to make trouble.”

The location of Diana’s studio was good, but the sudden increase of rent that was obviously way beyond market price was too sudden. There had to be someone pulling the strings behind the scene.

Noel noted Julian’s instructions and said, “By the way, sir. Recently, Miss Kayla has been asking to see you…”

Julian immediately recalled Kayla putting on makeup that made her appear similar to Diana, and snapped, No.”

Now that he had already decided to stay away, it was better to let Kayla to give up completely, lest she try to turn the tables on Diana and attempt something ridiculous again.

The fabric prices kept going up, and the losses Diana suffered in the warehouse only kept increasing.

She had been searching for new investors to make up for the shortfall and quickly get new fabric for orders to start production. But because her investment requirements were strict and everything had to be in the best interest of Fanny, many potential investors were unwilling to invest.

finally came in. The person on the other end asked, “Madam, is that you?”


her divorce, but suddenly hearing this title made her feel like those times were a

noticeably ragged as she

in reply. When he heard her

Diana had spoken to

asked, “Your father… Is he doing

of it, and he was even a little touched that she remembered the

gave you so much grief, yet you still care about him.

and Julian were alike in terms of recognizing good and

wanted to know how that man was doing and if he could sleep at night after doing such heinous

touched, and he sounded even more guilty as he added, “Madam, if you ever

to start refuting him. In the end, she decided to

divorced Julian. There’s no reason for you

sorry!” Noel was suddenly nervous and he interrupted Diana. “Please don’t be angry, Madam. I won’t call you that anymore, but I must convey Mr. Fulcher’s

was Julian who had gotten Noel to call her, all just to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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