Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 468

Chapter 468

“Julian! You really…make me feel disgusted with myself…!’

Had Diana known Kayla was the one who had prepared the information, she would’ve never opened that file!

She would rather suffer in silence than accept that blasted woman’s help!


Seeing her growing more agitated, Julian wanted to hold her to help her calm down. But Diana shoved him away fiercely, glaring at him like he was her mortal enemy.

Helpless, Julian could only try to explain again.

“Don’t touch me!” Diana screamed, throwing away the scissors. She desperately wanted to leave.

She couldn’t accept that she had unwittingly received Kayla’s help.

It was even more unbearable than dying.

this at all, and

babies, Kayla didn’t go


“Enough! Stop!”


want to hear it!

Kayla were close

He slowly knelt and gently patted

I won’t

unusually gentle, and

tearful eyes and said, “I

nodded without hesitation. “I

do with Oliver

he had slipped up in any

this is like getting

looked at

out of the room without a

raining outside. It wasn’t too heavy, but enough to soak someone if they stood outside for a while. Julian was afraid she would catch a cold, so he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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