Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Before Julian knew it, he had arrived at the rehabilitation ward of the hospital; only to learn that Diana had completed her discharge procedures in silence.

He found it strange. This was a place Madam Fulcher had found for Diana, so she wouldn’t have quietly left if nothing serious had happened.

Then, he immediately realized that he had been negligent with the nutritionist last night.

However, this only proved that Diana was determined to draw a clear boundary between them.

“Take good care of Kayla. I wish you both a speedy marriage.”

Suddenly, the last sentence Diana had said before they parted last night came to mind.

Did Diana want him to be with Kayla?

However, she clearly despised Kayla to the point that the two sisters were akin to water and oil.

Yet… She had said it so bluntly.

 fathom a woman’s mind, but he was willing to try for

out late at

was the house Julian had given her. She secretly wanted to have it all

Yet, Julian never came.

this apartment was because she helped

 someone was

 residents had moved upstairs today. Perhaps

they had

the door and

enough to make Julian

why he

anymore, either. When he looked at her,

Kayla had saved his life

alive in

 he thought of Diana’s words, telling him to

 Kayla make

the same feeling she experienced when she returned home from abroad for

expected that Diana would continuously interfere with their relationship,

coming to see her now was a

never expected the information she sent out last time would have such

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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