King Of Pride

Chapter 10- Werelions

Lycon were training with his friends in the vast grassland. Sphinx, Rasta, Benny and Frits. While Mimfa and his mate were spectating..

Lycon Leaped and Scratch Benny Fearlessly and pinned him down to the ground, And Benny wasn’t able to moved from the ground again. Benny surrendered and Lycon set him free. Rasta and Sphinx were training together too. And they are good in hand in hand combat. But it’s obviously Sphinx who is stronger and mightier than Rasta. Mimfa smiled and clapped his hands as he was having fun with his pride.

“ better, you guys are getting better everyday, hope everyone will train more. “ Mimfa said.

“ Mimfa, I heard about this ancient law that anyone in the pride can challenge the king and whoever wins will take over the lead of the pride. Do you think it would be fine for us to challenge you,?” Frits asked and he saw the scowl in Mimfa's face. Frits make a move backward and smiled nervously.

“ I am just asking okay. And I still believe your still the strongest.” Frits said ,hoping that would fade the scowl on the leader's face. He obviously doesn’t like what frits are talking about. Lycon sighed and ignored them.

“ I guess I’ll go for a walk.” Lycon said and excused himself from his friends. Frits followed him and they walked outside of their hidden sanctuary.

good leader tho” Frits suggested

I don’t want to be a king. I am not good enough

great. Even Sphinx and Benny

“ whatever you say.”

“ I know.”

the Rocky place where Fenny And Dwayne’s tent are built and frits

a human in here?” He whispered to Lycon in

clearer view but Lycon forbid him. Lycon knew that they would be possible in danger if they were seen especially when he didn’t know how many people are in there. And second. Lycon doesn’t want Frits to know

here frits do you understand.” Lycon said seriously ,he was staring frits with his

but they’re ,oh my you are concern about them?” Frits

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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