Chapter 2

Roxanne hurried to Harvey’s office.

After pushing the door open, she spotted the little rascals inside. They were sitting on the couch in the office and swinging their legs nonchalantly.

The boys lit up at the sight of Roxanne. Scrambling off the couch, they ran toward her excitedly. “Mommy, you’re finally done! I thought you’d be staying in the laboratory forever!”

“Mommy, you’ve worked hard! Are you tired? Sit down. I’ll give you a massage.”

They led Roxanne to the couch so she could take a seat.

As Roxanne took in their concern, she suddenly felt it was worth it to get yelled at.

“Look at how obedient you are. You weren’t like this when you hacked into my computer earlier!” Harvey huffed angrily behind his desk.

Archie declared, “It was all your fault, Professor Lambert! You kept asking Mommy to work overtime. Look, she’s getting malnourished!”

“That’s right! Mommy’s an ordinary human being. How could you ask her to work day and night?” Benny chimed in as he kneaded Roxanne’s shoulder.

His temper spiking, Harvey gave a bark of laughter and responded, “You’re too overprotective of her! Everyone in the research institute does the same!”

With that said, he shook his head and turned to Roxanne. “How did your research go?”

Roxanne shot him a grin. “It went smoothly. I’ll send the data to you later.”

She paused before asking, “Have you restored the data in your computer?”

Harvey ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “It has been an hour, but I still can’t restore anything.”

Amused, Roxanne patted Benny’s hand. “Benny, go restore Professor Lambert’s computer. Don’t be naughty. What if he loses some important data?”

Benny immediately replied, “That won’t happen. I prepare a backup and various security levels every time. He won’t lose a thing!’

As he said that, he trotted over to Harvey and restored the latter’s computer.

The little boy’s fingers typed on the keyboard furiously and produced lines of codes.

A few minutes later, the computer screen blinked and returned to normal.

computer in admiration. He

a young age, Archie was already a medical genius. He was capable of differentiating thousands of herbs and showcased his talent in medicine.

a little hacker who was very sensitive to numbers. Like his

were adorable,

whenever they kicked up a fuss.

Lambert. Please

me, too. I can’t always be their

I didn’t summon you here to yell at you. I have a task for you. Listen, I’ve been planning on setting up a research institute back in the country. It will

no idea he would say that.

Go back home?

of going back to that place again after

a family or someone she cared about

had grown

reject the offer.

interjected, “Roxanne, I know you don’t want to head back, but I hope you’ll consider my suggestion. You’ve been my student for years, so I believe you know how wide and profound traditional medicine is. There aren’t enough herbs here for you to research. In Chanaea, you’ll have all the herbs you want. You can use and research them freely. Most importantly, many hidden and prestigious families are in possession of ancient medical skills in Chanaea. I remember you’re interested in that, right? That was why I made the suggestion for you to return to Chanaea. You have a bright future ahead of you. Besides, you’re different now.

his words, Roxanne

into a completely different person now. I can face all obstacles without fear. Besides, it has been six years. Perhaps that man is already married to

breath and nodded solemnly. “All right, then. Professor Lambert, I’ll listen to you

Linda to come with you. I’ll also arrange a team to

Professor Lambert!” Roxanne gave

and Benny shared a look. They could sense each

finally returning

for ages. After all, their father was back there. They wanted to see him in person. Of course, they also wanted to teach him a lesson for deserting his

the boys landed at

finally back in Chanaea

the plane, they walked out of the hallway. Just then, Benny squeezed his legs together and tugged at the corner of Roxanne’s skirt.

sight of his urgent expression. “Okay. Let’s go,

reached out to ruffled

Benny trembled violently. “Stop it, Mommy. I’m going to pee

chuckle, Roxanne led him to

into the restroom while Roxanne waited outside with their luggage. She didn’t forget to send her professor a text to inform him about their

familiar voice

on a little girl? What use are you if you can’t even complete such a simple

a hint of fury in the man’s melodious, deep, and rich voice. It was

were initially typing out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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