Chapter 75

Estella blinked, and her sobs reduced. Still in disbelief, she pursed her lips.

She had heard Lucian talking to her teacher with her own cars, and the two boys were absent from kindergarten that day.

How could there be such a coincidence?

Lucian sensed her doubt, which made him feel even more helpless. “There’s no need for me to lie to you. They didn’t go to school today because they were unwell. You’ll see them tomorrow.”

Estella continued to purse her lips aggrievedly. Suspicion was written all over her face.

Lucian was at a loss for what to do. “How should I make you believe me?”

Never did he expect Archie and Benny to have such an important place in Estella’s heart. They were so important to the point that she did not believe his words.Estella hesitated for a moment and let Catalina put her down. She then picked up a small notebook from the pile of mess and scribbled something while sobbing. Her squiggly writing read: Confirm!

hear the boys tell her that they were not expelled and that she would

what she meant. She wanted to go to Roxanne’s house and confirm with the boys.

her lips and gripped her notebook tightly

relaxed his brows helplessly and

froze instantly, blinking to

Lucian nodded.

packed her bag, then carried it on her back and walked toward him, still sniffling since she had

changed. Given no

when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was Madilyn coming for a free meal, Roxanne opened the

widened in disbelief when she saw the people at the

Archie and Benny?”

the door, holding Estella’s hand. He was only

was the breeze that caused Estella’s eyes

Roxanne had seen her, all the sadness Estella had been feeling the entire night

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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