Chapter 527

It was dimly lit below the stage.

Lucian could feel the children smiling beside him. Feeling curious, he gazed in their direction. The three children were whispering to each other about who knows-what with secretive looks on their faces. Every so often, they would cover their mouths to muftle out their soft giggles.

From beside them, Roxanne was looking at the children with a gentle smile on her face.

It was quite a tender moment.

However, the moment her eyes met Lucian’s, her loving smile turned stiff ever so slightly

Roxanne lowered her gaze and composed herself before turning her face away so that Lucian could only see her side profile.

Lucian’s gaze darkened. With his brows knitted tightly together, he, too, turned his gaze away.

They were the last ones to perform.

When the second-last performance was about to come to an end, Lucian and Roxanne directed the children backstage and got ready to perform.

at least a little nervous, as it

excitement. A huge grin hung on their

introduced them, Roxanne led the

first few scenes were flawless. Everything was exactly as they had rehearsed. As they carried oui the scene, the children showed no signs

the audible

was Estella’s turn, the crowd erupted with applause the moment her childish voice rang out as she

in the

were both

in Roxanne’s mind. She recalled how shy Estella had been when they first met and how the former

with emotions and pride

it was time for the scene where the princess pricked her finger on the spinning wheel

exquisitely crafted wooden bed. Her long locks, which were originally held in place by a tiara, were now hanging loosely over the bed,

giving it a faint glow. Under the spotlight, she truly looked like a princess from a fairytale-a gentle

rose again, Lucian and Estella appeared on the stage. The crowd watched on as the two stared each

knight costume and was holding a sparkling sword in his hand, showcasing the

Estella was glaring menacingly at Lucian. Her stance indicated that she was about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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