Chapter 2955

Charity couldn’t say anything.

Chester couldn’t really eat her.

So, when her good friends heard that she spent the night with Chester, they could act cool about it.

“He ate you? Why?” Freya got interested when she didn’t say anything and asked what was going on.

“Too much thought.” Catherine said with a big smile, “If you want to eat someone, there are many ways to do it, even if there is a problem in one way.”

“Oh, Cathy gets everything, which is what I expected.” Freya said with a laugh, “Charity, if you change your name, Cathy will be able to teach you.”

Catherine was a little embarrassed, so she blushed “Shaun has also had problems like this in the past, but he made me feel good about it. Even though he knows everything, I think Chester knows more.”

After all, in terms of women’s experience, no one was better than Chester.

then she said, “I don’t care, just leave it alone. I’m not as hungry as you guys, and I’m already resistant to

at the time. Now that you don’t hate him anymore, I won’t think that this person disgusts you so much.” Catherine said with a smile, “You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. I think that when

was surprised, and the

fact, when Charity watched the clips of what had happened between her and Chester, it didn’t seem so bad

matter if he fights back or not; he’s already…” Charity didn’t know what to

it might be possible to treat it in the future. With how far medicine has

his heart. I-I saw for myself that Chester stabbed him deeply

sighed and said, “Chester is so

the bride at 10:00 in

black and white suits, and one was handsome and strong while the other was handsome

stood in the back. Everyone was wearing the same

Chester was tall and handsome, and even though he had a scar

while she waited for Shaun and Ryan to go in and give the

to her and took her hand.

beautiful in that bridesmaid’s dress when she woke up, and now that she’s done her hair and makeup, she looks like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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