Let's Get A Divorce, Mr. CEO

Chapter 10 Cecil Bo, I Love You

Hearing Linda’s words, Cecil stopped abruptly, but didn’t turn around.


Unknown to Linda, his eyes flashed with displeasure.


‘A woman who doesn’t want to marry me? Humph!’ he sneered to himself.


Tension hung thick in the room as they both stayed silent.


After five seconds, once his eyes had returned to their usual indifference, Cecil turned around and looked at Linda.


With a smirk, he said, “Why? Because from the moment I was born, I’ve always gotten everything I wanted. No matter what, the things I desire will be mine.”


Linda was taken aback.


She, who had never been confident or assertive, couldn’t accept or understand Cecil’s firm determination.


Her eyelashes trembled as she struggled to find words to say.


two steps forward and changed the topic.


Linda stepped back. “What… What’s wrong?” she asked


to marry me. Are you saying that you do?” Cecil


parted in disbelief, and


meant to set a trap


Linda anxiously took a step back. Seeing that the back of her waist was about to hit the table, he reached


to look at her


could barely breathe. She could feel his breath on her forehead, making her tremble like a leaf. She slowly looked up to meet his


proximity, she quickly looked


looked at her

eye. He just pinched her chin with his hand and said coldly, “I like direct


Linda asked, “What will you do


two forbidding arcs. “Do


his hot breath against her face, Linda bit her lip


take Leona’s place and marry you, but I also did it for my parents’ sake. Please don’t do anything to the Ye Group. When


eyes kept darting back and forth, not


to her dismay, he suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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