Let's Get A Divorce, Mr. CEO

Chapter 20: Was She The Bride's Substitute

Hearing Linda's words, Cecil scoffed.The sound made Linda, who had boldly told the truth just now, tremble like a leaf.She turned her face away to avoid his fingertips and stepped back to keep a distance from him.

Once again, she tugged her hand away from his grip.

This time, Cecil let her go and then shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

Surveying her from head to toe, he remarked, "Miss Ye, have you paid so much attention to me?"

Every time he called her "Miss Ye,"

Linda felt that he was being sarcastic, rather than respectful.She gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Why was it that this man could always grab onto the most embarrassing part of her words and hold it over her head? @ Either way, he was right.

When a person was in love, they would naturally pay more attention to the object of their affections.

Not to mention that the man Linda had fallen in love with was Cecil, one of the most famous public figures in Los City.

Even if she wasn't deliberately trying to keep up with the details of his life, news about him would reach her ears one way or another.She couldn't ignore him even if she wanted to.

reports were about the man that she loved, she

human nature,

Cecil's question didn't really seem to be aimed at finding out the truth, but more at

into marrying you instead of your

to defend herself.She looked at him sharply for a second

you that I've liked you for a long time.Is it really surprising that I paid a lot of attention to you? What's more, as a business genius of the Bo Group, you often pop up in the news, especially in the finance section.I major

smooth tongue you have

Cecil commented.

know how to reply, so

more, Cecil turned around and walked into

out of sight, Linda stood there in a

opposite each other at the

anything to embarrass her, and she just ate

a fast

and stood up, Linda was still fiddling with the

cleared his throat to get

you think...Leona will come back

her grip on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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