Let's Get A Divorce, Mr. CEO

Chapter 17: Seize The Opportunity 

Michelle's jaw dropped open in shock.She instantly stood straight and looked into Linda's eyes.

"You...What are you talking about? How did you marry Cecil Bo?"

"It's a long story.Let's find a place to eat first, we can talk there,"

Linda urged, pulling Michelle down the street.

"I can't believe you hid such an exciting news from me! You have to tell me everything," Michelle said, giving her a pointed look.

After walking down the street for a few minutes, the two of them finally walked into an ordinary restaurant that they could afford to eat in.

After settling down, Linda told Michelle the story of how she had married Cecil from beginning to end, including the part about her reunion with her biological parents.

Michelle obediently listened to the whole story in silence before looking at Linda in disbelief.

"So...Not only are you the long-lost daughter of the Ye family, but now, you are Cecil Bo's wife?"

Linda pressed her lips into a tight line and shook her head.


and looked at Linda

"Does it matter?"

"What do you mean?"

him, the most important thing is

hair behind her

back.I don't mean to

blinking, as if she wanted

frowned and shifted uncomfortably under

are you looking at me like that without

do you like him?" Michelle asked directly, leaning

tightened her grip on the

was her only good friend in Los University, she had never told her about her love for Cecil, because she was not the kind of person who was

her love had

that Michelle had found

opinions, too.Even if you wanted to help your family, there must be a reason


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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