As I wake up, I look around, everything surrounding me is black. I have no sense of life. I can hear the beeping that surrounds me and the people talking, but I feel it would be better not to be woken up. As I feel the life inside me gone, my heart aches more than it has ever.

I never thought I would ever feel a worse pain than what I felt when I lost my family. Oh! was I wrong, this pain is so much worse it's like someone has ripped my soul from my body and there's no way for it to return. I hate how my life has been turned upside down. I don't want to be a healer, I don't want to be anything, I just want to be left alone to die.

I begin to think that none of this would have happened if my family had been alive, it all could have been avoided. I become so angry with myself, blaming the only people who have ever truly loved me. It is not their fault all that has happened. If they were still here, they would help me fight this life of misery and find a way out of it. Then I wonder why I am giving up. I need to fight, but how.

God, falling in love what a fucking joke I should have known better. I feel like such a fool that I allowed myself to fall in love with someone who didn't love me back. The first time I find any kind of normalcy, and it's gone just like that and there is no chance of even trying to save it.

why I believed that Ivan would allow me to be free. I should have known better when he knew where I was, I should have run. But I trusted Landon would protect me, what a fool I am. Why would he protect he

my protection. He only distracted me from reality. I should have never allowed myself to be so distracted by him.

done to me. The hurt that they have cost me and the betrayal that

clears. I do not want to talk to anyone, I make a promise to myself not to allow myself to love or care about anything ever again. I'm tired of feeling nothing but pain, it's time to just simply feel nothing. I'm not sure If I can do it, but I'm sure as hell going to try. I wait until it is quiet. I truly do not

felt nothing as I put my hands on my belly, I know that she is gone. As my heart breaks and tears start to form, I shut them off not wanting to show any kind of emotion. I hate that he has taken everything from me twice, I hate him so much.

be forced to live. I do not look at anybody who walks into the room

It's not like I'm dying and if I was, I would not tell her. I feel pain all over my

alpha, it's probably because she does not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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