Jasper was woken up by Hudson’s phone call at six o’clock in the morning.

“We’ve just gotten wind that Sena’s beta communication software, Sena Chat, will be officially released tomorrow morning.”

Hudson’s tone was anxious, for the release of Sena Chat would definitely deal a fatal blow to Terizone right now!

“I’ll be right over!”

Hanging up the phone, Jasper booked a ticket and rushed to Cavern City as fast as he could.

Meanwhile, Sena Chat was officially released on the market.

Sena’s sudden launch of the software, Sena Chat, had resulted in a frenzy within the domestic internet circle.

Disregarding its portal sites and its gaming aspect, instant messaging had the most users in the internet industry within the country right now, for it was also the easiest to draw users in at alarming rates.

It was just that this form of business did not have overwhelming web portals like Sena and Soha.

KK might have the most users within the country, but no one seemed to be taking Terizone seriously at all right now.

That was why Sena’s sudden act had attracted a lot of attention.

Several potential large investors in the circle downloaded the newly announced Sena Chat software in their offices and revealed disdainful smiles when they saw the familiar interface.

This was blatant plagiarism off KK’s program.

However, no one was speaking up for Terizone.

The market was like a battlefield. If given the chance, they would all come for a taste.

Under the gathering of wind and clouds, everyone’s gazes were pinned on Cavern City.

Everyone wanted to know how Terizone’s group of amateurs would react.

Entering Terizone’s office, he could feel the nervousness within the room.

had slept a wink last night. Each of them had a bird’s nest on their heads

that brought a

could save them and Terizone now was

their Sena Chat. It’s an exact copy of our KK!” Cameron

and sat in front of the company, clicking on the software. Then,

no good to say more when the priority was to understand the

to 90% similar to KK’s. Had it not been for the different name, one might not even be able to

have to admit that its

bitterly at Jasper’s words, and the already depressive atmosphere grew

was too weak in the beginning, and we put all our efforts into maintaining the server and realizing KK’s functions. Optimization-wise,

smiled, his gaze filled

should do now is introduce

suddenly asked. “What


disagreed, it was the first instruction from Jasper and they did not dare

released, Terizone

than five million users in the

moment had garnered Jasper admiration from

credibility and authority

first, but not merely constricted to file transmission only. Instead,

shone at Jasper’s first

the internet, and the only option was through sending email attachments.

could not

the current network was generally unstable, the

only option was

of the feature would definitely

I can make a

affirmed by the

of an issue, let alone when the five founders of Terizone, except Daniel, were

was whether they could come up with the idea

calling feature as well as the feature to make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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