Life at the Top

Chapter 162

The auction commenced not long after. Jasper and Wendy had already returned to the banquet hall.

A big boss like Zachary Law no doubt had a custom seat for himself. Meanwhile, the younger ones like Jasper and Anna gathered in the hall while waiting for the auction to begin.

This occasion was a gathering of the stars. Everyone shone in all of their extravagance.

Even the air was filled with the lingering scent of wealth and fame.

Being as meticulous as always, Jasper also noticed that Mitch Langdon and Zane Lancaster were seated together. The two of them were peering at him as subtly as they could.

It was evident that having a common enemy allowed them to achieve a certain degree of understanding with each other.

“How did the both of them get together?” Anna asked, furrowing her brow.

Based on logical reasoning, Zane only had his father, Bob Lancaster. Nonetheless, Mitch was different. His father was Kennedy Langdon, whereas his grandfather was Wallace Langdon. They were both top bosses in their own leagues.

With Wallace Langdon around, the Langdons would easily take the throne among the top four families of Harbor City.

based on such reasoning, Zane had

of them are equally bad. It should be easy for them to find a common topic among themselves,” Jasper said. He

Anna, Jasper sat in a seat designated for the Laws. It was located right at

first four rows were reserved for the Laws, the Boyles, the Langdons, and

prominent and wealthy families of Harbor City. The seats extended backward in order of wealth

close to a hundred


here, those with assets worth a

was a beautiful female celebrity seated

Collins, Jasper had enjoyed viewing a fair few of her

Cindy Jung.

Stage name, Sherry.

year after signing a


over it in his

my date. Not bad, huh?” Henry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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