Life at the Top

Chapter 166

If Jasper was so easily defeated, how could he have trusted him enough to take time off for his health at such a crucial time?

How could the Laws rest assured while placing such a large bet on him?

Countless discussions were still going on in the function hall.

A lot of people were shocked by Jasper’s strong financial power and boldness.

If he could take out 100 million Harbor Dollars in cash, no one would even bother to look at how much the Angel’s Heart was really worth. This 100 million Harbor Dollars would be enough to crush Zane Lancaster’s arrogant stance.

A dark expression formed on Zane’s face. Jasper had raised the bidding price to the maximum.

There was no way for him to continue following the bid.

He had been arrogant and smug up till a second ago. He suddenly snickered. “Alright, alright. You’re good. This jewelry piece is only worth a maximum of a few hundred thousand Harbor Dollars. This fool here actually bought it for 100 million Harbor Dollars. Don’t you know that others will just see you as a fool right now?

“It looks like you’re not just a dog. You’re a foolish, idiotic one.”

Forget the other people, even the Law siblings were shocked by the bidding price.

few days. Although they suspected that Jasper was just doing so to

just spent 100 million Harbor Dollars on a whim. A man like this simply

a bid of

in accordance with the rules, the host closed the bidding with a knock of the hammer

Laine for successfully bidding for the Angel’s Heart at the monumental price of 100 million Harbor Dollars. I believe

there was nothing the wealthy people here loved more than building a good reputation for themselves. Therefore, he showered Jasper in praise without a moment’s

held the Angel’s Heart on a tray and delivered

took out a

Mitch Langdon caught sight of the cheque, his expression

That was

a foolish dog,” Mitch Langdon remarked,

Dollars on something that’s only worth a few hundred thousand at most. What is he if not

Heart, Jasper did something that

Angel’s Heart to Anna Law,

haven’t thanked you for gifting me this set of clothes. Let me give this Angel’s Heart to you as a gift,”

then accepted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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