Life at the Top

Chapter 176

Zachary was in a meeting with senior executives of the group when he received Henry’s call.

He raised a hand to halt the man speaking and picked up the phone.

“It’s starting, Dad! Jasper’s plan is starting! Our stock traders need to get in position now!” Henry spoke agitatedly.

Zachary, a man who rarely lost his composure, felt his emotions go haywire at his son’s words.

“I’ve already contacted the professional team. Bring Jasper back immediately. There’s no safer or more quiet place in Harbor City than our home. The people and equipment will be waiting for him there.”

With that, Zachary ended the meeting and rushed off, leaving behind the senior executives in the room to scratch their heads and share looks of confusion.

On the way back, Zachary lined the people up while he texted Michael the details.

Since they had already decided to involve Michael in this, there was no way they would neglect him when things were happening.

had prepared was mostly in place by the time Jasper, Henry,

team was Zack, someone Jasper had

leading this team of stock

to speak when he

who had a quick mind, worked cleanly, and acted instead

it’s just the same thing as then. Execute my instructions as fast and as efficiently as

are an old team of mine. Their skills are guaranteed, and we’ve already

was not surprised for this was what he

directly, it could be said that they were Jasper’s left and right-hand men in this business war. What was most important was not high efficiency but rather,

Law family’s bodyguards had taken all their phones and checked

complete. The Law family would be in charge of everything they did, be it an intake or the letting out of food. Bodyguards were tasked

their pay would also be a generous


had especially cleared a large living room for this battle. When Jasper and Zack walked over, there were already 15

LED display on the wall, Jasper gave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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