Life at the Top

Chapter 197

However, he did feel a little guilty now after hearing Jasper’s past achievements and how Old Master Law had already taken action.

“If that’s the case, then I think Mr. Law’s suggestion is reasonable.”

The official wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought of a compromise.

“Everyone is just trying to protect the economy of Harbor City, so there’s no need to make this so tense. Why don’t we let Jasper host the mission this time? However, Jake, as the representative of the government, you should go along. If Jasper can’t handle it, then you can help him too.”

The 100 billion market rescue plan was funded by the four rich families and the government. As such, it did not matter who was the host. The four rich families or the government would definitely ask someone to keep watch.

As this was the case, Zachary did not have any opinions on it.

“Okay, I want to see how skillful this country bumpkin from Mainland is!” Jake said with a cold chuckle.

He did not go against what the Laws wanted, however, he was genuinely looking down on this country bumpkin named Jasper.

He was just a hillbilly from Mainland, so what knowledge and experience did he have? How dare Jasper steal this chance to rescue the market from him?

Initially, he wanted to use this market rescue opportunity to better his reputation so that his business would have a bright future.

had gone down the drain

Jake’s heart was bleeding.

hour later, Zachary went back home. The people tagging along were Jake

back from Wall Street. Initially, the government planned

shoulder and said in a low voice, “However, he’s nothing to me compared to you. You

burst out laughing

“You’re Jasper?”

eyes and said with a

hello,” Jasper

though he did not

…were pissing him off!

he would be the one looking down on people with the kind of

did you graduate from? What course did

answered indifferently, “Just a regular university in Mainland. I have


United States and I majored in Economics. After I graduated, I joined

a diploma mill in Mainland and you’re here hosting a market rescue worth 100 billion? Are all Mainlanders so

he was not happy with him. However, Zachary had given him a lot of confidence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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