Wilbur said, “It’s time to give them their big present. You know what to do.”

“Understood, Boss. They’re going to pay for sure,” Faye replied.

Wilbur smiled. “Get some rest. Don’t worry about me tomorrow. I’ll go on my own.”

“Alright, Boss.”

Wilbur got up and returned to his room.

Faye stared at his retreating figure and let out a small sigh.

If she had been the one to be mistreated and humiliated like this, she would be sure to return it tenfold. Her boss was far too nice. However, she was not. She had never gone soft on her enemies before.

The next day.

Wilbur woke up at around ten in the morning. He walked out of the house, then drove off to Southlake Resort Island.

It was time for him to get some closure.

At the same time, an SUV with a military badge on it stopped in front of house number one.

A tall and broad-shouldered middle-aged man stepped out of the car.

He was dressed in regular clothes, but it was not hard to tell from his appearance that he was someone from the army.

The man rang the doorbell. Susie opened the door and cheered, “Dad! You’re finally home!”

“Yes. Where’s your grandpa?” The man asked.

locking himself in his room all day and acting all mysterious. That scammer’s really gotten to

his health?” The

the Seechertown medical team brought over, and he’s doing much

teach that liar a lesson. No one’s taking advantage of the Grayson family name,” the

“Yes, you’ve got to teach him a lesson, or someone else

to the driver, “Call up

The driver made the call at once. A while later, he returned and said carefully, “He said that he’s at a wedding over at Southlake Resort Island and that you should go look for him yourself

act all high and mighty to me, Gordon Grayson! We’re going to Southlake Resort Island right

and the driver sped off at

lying bastard, you’re going to get it. Just you

her grandfather’s room. She paused briefly before calling out, “Grandpa, it’s time to go for your workout. You haven’t come out of your room

so Susie could only call out over

her grandfather’s condition getting better, he would still need to

last, Benjamin opened the door half an hour later and glared at Susie irritably. “Are you done? Don’t I have

good, Grandpa. Don’t be so stubborn,”

can cut the nagging. Are you doing all this to try to piss

Grandpa? If it hadn’t been for the Seechertown medical team’s care and ours, your condition wouldn’t have gotten better,” Susie

think that you did all

well. “Didn’t we? You should know that your body’s at its limit, and you’re relying on the medicine to keep you alive. If it hadn’t been for the medicine and me dropping out of med school to take care of you, would you still be around? Doesn’t any

burst into tears as she said those

yet that scammer had him dancing to the scammer’s tune with just a few words, keeping him cooped up in his room all day doing some cultivation nonsense. Her sadness only grew as she thought

at the sight of his granddaughter in this state. He went into his room, took out the medicine from

Susie, Benjamin said, “Take a

in a daze, staring

and stood right there. Susie picked up the box slowly and

were neatly lined up,

what’s going on here?” Susie asked in

sighed. “I’ve gotten sick of all that medicine. I’ve not touched

shock. “B-But

“Isn’t it obvious? What

were all t-taking a turn for the b-better, and that even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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