Chapter 105
Wilbur smiled, not saying anything
Awhile later, the shop owner jussed the piece of imperial jade to Wilbur with both hands and a wistful expression on his face. “Congratulations, young man. You got a piece of Imperial jado ”
Wilbur took the piece of jale and inspected it closely.
The piece of jade had jagged edges and was a mossy greets overall
In glinted in the sun, with its color changing slightly under the light
He channeled has spirit energy into the jade and found that the density was extremely high. Just what he had wanted.
Wilbur let out a chuckle. “Thank you, sir.”
The shop owner was speechless, and Wilbur turned to look at Kenji. “I believe we had a bet with each other just now, didn’t
Kenji’s murderous expression turned into a grimace. He took out his checkbook, filled in the details, and passed it to the shop
“Don’t worry, buddy, I’m a man of my word,” Kenji said
The shop owner handed the check to Wilbur

Wilbur gave it a glance and put it away. “Dh, wasn’t worried at all I’ve got other things to do, so I’ll be on my way now.”
He got up and waved at the crowd, then turned to leave.
Kengineered leaving as well.
The crowd finally burst into a heated discussten. They were certain i
At the same time, some people were worried about hins
Wilber had just gotten lucky.
Kenji had just been greatly embarrassed. There was no way he would let it slide like that. The pay was going to get it.
A few other people, however, were a little intrigued.
Any regular person would hardly even glance at the rocks by a fake pond for decoration. That guy had been so confident in his pick and even bet on it for a million dollars.
Could he be someone with some kind of hidden power?
As for Wilbur, he left the shop and headed out of Octacuarm Town. He did, after all, have something he hail to do back home.
Just then, Kenji called out behind him “Hey, huddy!”
Wilburtured around. “Is there anything else you need, Mister Lilith?”
Kenji chuckled. “Oh, not really. I just thought that was pretty brave of you, and it seems like you have an eye for betting. Would you be interested in something bày that
“What is it?” Willour said.
Kenji handed him a name card with a smile. “I have a few friends who enjoy betting too. Give me a call anytime you’re free, yeah? We’re all businessmen. It’s all fair game. You could win millions is just our alght, as long as you have the courage to lay
Kenji was clearly proposing something extremely trupting, and Willum clinciled. “I das like betting, but t’ll be busy tonight. Why don’t I call you tomorrow?”
“Of course! You’re on, then! Have a nice day, hully” Kenji was grinning Ble a old fox.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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