Chapter 142

Milton’s face darkened immediately, and he quietly stretched his hand behind him.

If that was the case, this night’s affair would not end well for him.

Noticing Milton’s movements, Wilbur’s expression turned solemn.

At that moment, Milton’s phone rang. The specialized ringtone made him aware that it was ferry who called back

It was not the time for him to answer the call. However, Jerry still needed to be informed regarding the situation so that he could think of a countermeasure, or at least prepare for it.

He answered the call slowly, “Hello”

“Milton, something has happened ”

panicked wife could be heard

something happen

happened?” he

I don’t know what happened. You’re the closest one to him. Tell me, did something

Milton was dumbstruck

these people before him. They

and pointed it at Wilbur and the others. He said sternly. “Damn it all. I guess we have to do this the hard way. I am not afraid of

Farar sorered at that exact moment “Why do you want to turn this matter into terrorism? I’m warning you right now. Cracking down on crime still requires evidence to be presented in court, but terrorism–related matters only require a list. of names. You should really think this

Faron’s response, Milion’s hands began to tremble.

means the same as anti–crime in nature.

would end up in jail even if he could avoid death. For a moment, Milton, who had always been daminerring

center, Hundreds of special agents got out of their cars and arrested everyone they saw. They handcuffed one thug after another and quickly

shouted sharply,


consequences of resisting arrest? If you still think Jerry can protect you, then you’re making a big mistake.”

said, his heart could not help but skip a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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