Chapter 192
Wilbur touched his face and scoffed, mumbling, “Don’t make me..”
It was afternoon.
Jose was driving the car, and Wilbur was in the backseat taking a nap.
He used his spirit energy to transform himself into Trevor Penn.
He did not want unnecessary trouble fer himself and Faye, so be transformed his appearance. He felt like it was important.
That was the first time Jose knew that appearances could be transformed. He was instantly shocked and impressed, thinking that Wilbur was more mysterious than ever.

Several hours later, the car exited the highway of Silvertown, Shaw Province. After driving for over an hour, they arrived at a manor situated at the foot of a mount in on the outskirts.
They got out of the car with Jose leading the way. The manor was brightly lit, and a group of people were patrolling in front of the estate.
“Who are you!” yelled someone.
Jose instantly replied, “I’m Jose Smithson of the Torres clan. I came at the request of Mister Marcus Torres.”
The leader approached him to check if he truly was fase Smithson. They greeted each other and he immediately gave them permission to pass.
Jose was not a member of the Torres clan, but he was a pupil of the late Easion Torres. He was close enough to be considered part of the clan.
They walked into the manor and passed a bridge before arriving at an open courtyard.
The courtyard was quite sp acious, with various equipment placed around its perimeter. It was evident that this was the place where the Torres clan members practiced comba:
It was quite normal for every clan member to be combat-inclined.
Several individuals were seated near the entrance of a pavilion at the far end of the courtyard. There were dozens of muscular men behind them, each with a serious expression.
Jose approached them and bowed, announcing his arrival, “I am a pupil of the Tomes clan, Jose Smithson. Reporting for duty.”
The man in his fifties who was sitting at the center frowned and asked, “So, it’s Jose. Who is the man behind you? Don’t you know this is an important Torres clan matter?”
“Sir, this is someone I asked to help. He’s more powerful than you can imagine, so he can help the Torres clan get through this,” explained Jose hurriedly.
Marcus, the head of the Torres clan, looked at Wilbur. He frowned and said, “He’s too young to be powerful enough Regardless, since you’re here, do have a seat.”
The clan members instantly brought twn chairs and placed them in an insignificant spot.
Jose noticed it and hurriedly said, “Sir, Mister Penn is an expert. This is..”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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