Chapter 99

“Won’t they try to explain themselves online?” Old Mr. Hunt asked.

The internet was aforeign world to the old man.

However, he knew the story his grandson posted on Twitter was made up.

He was worried that his two granddaughters would straighten the facts and leave the Hunts without the money and pride in the end.

“Who would believe them? We hired trolls to write nasty comments and spill dirt on Serenity and Liberty.The netizens will blast them to kingdom come if they even so much as get online.”

Old Mrs.Hunt chimed in.

“Mike, use my phone and give Serenity another call.She better delivers the money right now if she doesn’t want to face public outrage.Liberty probably doesn’t have much money since she has a family.You must get Serenity to open her wallet.”

”Say that you’ll delete the tweet in exchange for six hundred thousand dollars or be prepared to be ruined.She won’t be able to show her face in public,” Old Mr.Hunt added “Granddad, we shouldn’t be the ones to call them.We can only get what we want if they contact us instead.”

Mike believed the trending tweet should be able to force his cousins out of hiding.

believed Mike had a point

first move would

for a while before saying,” People might not recognize them since the photo you used was over a decade old.Liberty was looking more like

of them.They didn’t stay in touch after they

a lot once they reached

the tweet drop from the trending list?” Mike

few more places minutes later when he refreshed the

tweet about to be drummed out from

an answer, Mike could not do anything

“What happened?”

trending anymore because Serenity and Liberty cleared the air?”

people clearly knew Serenity and Liberty

tweet had to be pushed to the bottom.The viral tweet is the gossip about the richest heir in

It was Elisa Stone.

story about a pair

she pulled some strings to get traffic taken off the Hunts’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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