Chapter 844

“If this had happened two months ago, I believe she’d happily agree to get a divorce without any regrets. But now, I don’t think she’ll do so. After all, it’s not easy to get over a relationship.”

After pausing for a moment, Josh asked curiously, “Have you gotten her pregnant?”

Zachary replied, “Nope…”

Zachary and Serenity did not use protection. They tried their best to make a baby, but nothing happened.

Perhaps they were not fated to have a baby yet.

“Since you don’t have a child to connect you and Serenity, you have only yourself to rely on. Zachary, you’re no fool. Since the incident took place, you’ve done a series of things based on instinct. Ask yourself. If you were Serenity, how would you feel after being deceived, imprisoned, and hit?

main issue is that the things you did after you made a

she wants a divorce, but can you stop her by imprisoning her?

few days. Both of you should calm down. Pull yourself together and think about what you should do to regain Serenity’s

the good qualities of yours and her memories with you, including those times she faced any hardships, you would stay by her side

the ice. If you keep imprisoning her, she’ll think about the bad qualities of yours and how you lied to her.

she would criticize you non–stop. Who would someone think of

and appeared to be deep in thought.

give it some thought. In fact, if you’d apologized to Serenity for lying to her, she would’ve been fine after a few days. Both of you are now in a deadlock all because of

it. If it were me, I would certainly be seething with anger if I

“Think of others.

you haven’t really eaten in the past two days. Do

said, “I don’t have an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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