Chapter 1872

“Sonny, isn’t this little sister cute?” Grandma May stared at Avah and asked Sonny.

“Cute, very cute. Great grandma, can I hold my little sister?”

Sonny also wanted to touch Avah, but Grandma May was worried that he was too young, so she patted Sonny’s little hand away and said, “Don’t touch Avah randomly, if you don’t control the strength, it will hurt the baby, the baby’s skin is very tender.”

Sonny: “…Grandma, I haven’t even touched my little sister yet, how do you do it?”

Grandma May: “Do you know that I will hurt your little sister? Grandma just doesn’t want you to touch her.”

His great Grandma touched Avah by herself, as if she was touching a rare treasure, but she didn’t let Sonny touch her.

“Yes, yes, grandma just doesn’t want me to touch my little sister. Grandma likes this little doll so much. It would be great if it were my great-granddaughter.” Grandma May said as she returned to touch Avah’s little feet.

sister’s feet are so

think your hands and feet were so big when you were born? Didn’t you have small

Sonny: “Little feet.”

kicked her hands

these little feet

the milk powder, Grandma May stood up, bent down again, then picked up Avah from the crib, sat down again, and said

Avah’s bottle to

May asked Jane: “Is there not enough

are not enough. They need to be fed with milk

matter what Jane

milk, he was more and more reluctant to eat milk powder, but when

the two children still mostly

said: “That’s right. Those who have twins are basically fed with milk powder. Avah is so good. She drinks milk

but after drinking half of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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