These gossip news spread throughout Jensburg.

Those women who admired Hayden really all gritted their teeth against Kevin. Everyone united and wanted to deal with Kevin, but the families behind them warned them not to provoke Kevin.

Kevin was a smiling tiger with a smiling face, and he ate people with a smile.

Even if they worked together, they would not be Kevin’s opponent.

In the luxurious private room, only Kevin and Hayden sat at the big round table that could seat a dozen people.

There were only six dishes and one soup.

There were also two bottles of famous wine.

dinner in the next room, so it

the person who protected his fiancée; how

I personally cook them for you.” Kevin filled Hayden with a bowl of soup and said, “I haven’t


able to eat the dishes

you, my parents rarely have the opportunity to eat the dishes I cook. That is, when my grandma wants to have a good taste, I will go online. My grandma forced me and my eight brothers to cook. Even my elder brother’s cooking skills are excellent. When he lied to my sister-in-law by

Hayden looked at him.

so handsome, and don’t care what others think

Kevin meant was that he knew

I made, whether it tastes good or not, and whether it suits your appetite.” Kevin put the bowl of soup in front

the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup and drank

“How?” Kevin asked expectantly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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