Hayden stared at him, and warned: “Don’t look at her; that’s Mr. Julian’s destined girl. Her name is Kiera; she is the daughter of the curator of the Caron family martial arts gym in Yonsburg. She has practiced martial arts since she was a child, has a good martial arts background, and is now the coach of the Caron family martial arts gym.

She is a very straightforward girl, and she is also very pure, without any flamboyance. I haven’t seen such a pure person for many years.”

Except for children, all she saw were scheming people, and even children were quite scheming.

Maybe her circle was full of people wearing masks.

When Julian brought Kiera over, Hugh was not there. He didn’t know that Kiera belonged to Julian.

After hearing what Hayden said, Hugh was quite shocked and said: “It’s the young master of the Buch family’s food, so I dare not touch it, I think she is very pleasing to the eye… Is the young master of the Bucham family sick? Is it? It is a disease that is not close to women, and it is said that it does not respond to women, nor does it respond to men.

To put it nicely, he’s a man of apathy. To put it bluntly, he just can’t do it.”

Hugh said this in front of his sister, and dared not say it outside.

not easy to mess

had nothing to do, running to provoke Julian, was

is a difference between the two. As long

is a lucky one. She doesn’t have to

hearts.” Hugh said

Hayden didn’t answer.

they were still young and unmarried. Who


girl who can cure Julian? Has Julian tried?” Hugh returned to the gossip center, so that his sister would


there was no need to think about it; just live

change his mind, Hugh still had eight or nine percent confidence in his

couldn’t help knocking on Hugh, and said angrily: “Young Master York’s wedding party is on the way back. When they come back, you can ask Julian and you will know

everyone see, who would dare to inquire about it? Can you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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