Callum said, “In my opinion, I won’t give her a penny.”

Camryn said, “She is not engaged in childbirth and spends money like water. Maybe she really has no money. Just give her a few hundred dollars to keep her from starving to death. You can’t let her starve to death all at once. You want her to live well. See how I get better and better and become happier and happier.

She envies and hates me because she once thought about marrying you. Before I met you, I heard my mother analyze with her which young master of the York family would be more suitable for her to marry. After analyzing, she finally locked on you. She is young, energetic, and spoiled. My mother has set her sights on you, so she thinks she can marry you and become the second young wife of the York family. Her heart is easily devoted to you. So, she hates me very much now.”

Camryn added, “The more she hates me, the more I want her to live well and watch me marry the man she wanted to marry before. With your love and affection, I live a happy life now.”

Revenge against a person is not to end her life with a knife, but to make her lose everything she values most little by little. This kind of revenge is the most painful thing.

you; you are the only one in my eyes and

at him and smiled. “I’m not jealous, let alone doubt your feelings for

sacrificed a lot for Camryn

Carden to help her treat her

only love you. The men in my York

know that your family has a very good family tradition, so my aunt Evelyn is very satisfied with you; even Trenton is

Callum put his arms around her, but soon she left his shoulder because walking like

How about we go there and sit for a while?” Callum pointed to a pavilion not far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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