-Carrie said, “From now on, I have to take medicine every time.” Mr. Labbe reminded her, “Or I may arrange for you to go to the hospital for a sterilization operation.” “That way, you don’t have to take medicine all the time.

All medicines are 30% poisonous, and taking too much will cause serious side effects.” Carrie: “I take medicine.” She didn’t want ligation surgery.

No matter how young or stupid she was, she still knew that after a vasectomy, she would never have the chance to be a mother in her life.

Why didn’t Mr. Labbe have a vasectomy? As long as he had some sympathy for her and took good contraceptive measures, she wouldn’t still be pregnant even after taking the pills and would need to have an abortion.

Mr. Labbe said, “Whatever you want.” Anyway, it’s not his body that was hurt, so he didn’t care.

He would not let Carrie give birth to his child.

The children he had with his first wife had grown up, so he had no worries about having a successor.

Mr. Labbe didn’t have much affection for his first wife, but he was very good to his children and cultivated each child with care.

There were several illegitimate children, born from two mistresses he particularly liked.

Those two women were very obedient and had no scheming or ambition, so he let them give birth to his children and bought them a house.

He bought a car and paid some living expenses every month for them.

As long as it was what he wanted, there’s nothing he could do about it, even if his wife gets angry again.

It was not what he wanted.

to gain power, he would let his wife

beauty, but he looked down on Carrie’s IQ, which

he would not let Carrie give birth to

to bed

for a doctor to come over tomorrow to check on you and

you are really pregnant, ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine for you, and you will be able to

light now, so it

abortion, just

are still young, so

days and a half, it’ll be fine.” Mr. Labbe originally wanted to have

be pregnant,

not touch her when she was pregnant, lest she miscarry on the spot,

Mr. Labbe left soon.

the bed

Callum had been together for such a long time, but Carrie had never heard that Camryn

couldn’t have

Camryn was

medicines were

did not dare to get

her body would not be


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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