Rosella’s natal family also belonged to a wealthy family. Jewelry was the most important thing she lacked growing up.

When she married into the York family, her parents, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law prepared so much jewelry for her that she could open a jewelry store. It was her dowry and was still in her jewelry storehouse.

After her eldest son, Callum, married Camryn, Rosella gave a lot of treasured jewelry to Camryn.

Evan replied, “Mom, I don’t have a wife yet. I saw a new style of jewelry, so I bought a set for you.”

Rosella asked, “Did you buy it for your grandma?”

Evan handed the red brocade box to his mother and responded, “Grandma didn’t want us to give her jewelry. I only bought her a bouquet of flowers. Grandma thought I wasted money and said there were many flowers in the flower fields at the foot of the mountain. “

says she dislikes it, but she is actually very happy. She didn’t let you bring

her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for decades, Rosella knew

her son, “Is there no one in the car? Are you the only one coming back? Your grandma said you

“It’s just me.”

be confused, knowing in his heart that his grandma had already told his

parents are not worried about their life events, but they never listen to their parents’ arrangements. It’s useless for their parents to be anxious, and

“Didn’t Abby come over? You had dinner and spent the night together last night, but you didn’t bring her back for us to see. I really

with your sister-in-law?”

nothing wrong with Abby and me. It’s my sister-in-law’s invitation to eat together. We

she vomited, I would take care of her. I have told Grandma everything, including that I have no interest in Abby. I admit that Abby, whom grandma chose for me, is very good

poured himself a glass of warm water before walking to the sofa. Matthias was reading a newspaper on the sofa. He called his father

Matthias without leaving a trace. When Matthias looked at him, he asked softly, “Dad, help me

asked Evan,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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