This is the advantage of having many brothers and being harmonious.

Evan: “I’ll wait for you.”

“Okay.” Elian hung up the phone and said to River, “Brother Evan invited us to have a midnight snack. Let’s go to his house. He will cook it himself. Maybe he is in a particularly good mood, so go and have a midnight snack with him.”

Callum, Evan, and River were all Rosella’s children. Regardless of the cousins, Evan was indeed River’s second brother.

Before River got in the car, he said with a smile, “Brother Evan went back to Wildridge Manor to see Grandma during the day. Maybe Grandma will no longer care about his bad things. He is in a good mood, so why don’t he cook and prepare supper himself and invite our brothers to eat?”

Elian knew more than River.

Evan had the best relationship with Elian, as they were similar in age. There was a four- or five-year age difference between him and his biological brother, Callum. He loved Callum very much, but Elian was the one who played with him the most and best.

Elian smiled and didn’t say much. “Anyway, Brother Evan invited us over for a late-night snack. Just in time, we’re both hungry too.”

said, “Brother Elian, I’m going to trouble you

go. You drive in front,

brothers all started taking driver’s license exams when they reached adulthood, River had also been an experienced driver for several years. In Elian’s eyes, River was young, and he needed to keep an eye on him as an

out of the

later, they arrived at the door

honked the

Jake came out to open the door. As he unlocked it, he complained, “The fourth young master invited two

the house and saw the porridge he cooked, he didn’t want his efforts to be wasted, so he called

was a temporary change of

let the two young masters

it’s so late, and you haven’t rested yet.” After River got out

usually worked from six in the morning to

shift asked for leave, so I took his place for a few

River said, Oh.

and said, “Jake, this is a box of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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