Elisa said, “I hope that our future children will be as well-behaved and cute as your niece, Avah. Let’s have a daughter. I like a daughter like Avah very much.”

Not to mention that she liked Avah; anyone who had met Avah or taken care of her would like her.

Avah was really getting cuter. Every day when she woke up, she lied on the bed and played by herself, or she sat there and looked around.

Avah, who was six or seven months old, was very quiet and not noisy at all.

Unlike Enzo, who would wake up and shout loudly so that everyone in the room would know,.

Remy held Elisa’s hand, smiled, and said, “Our family is similar to York’s, so the chance of having a daughter is very small. My eldest brother has a daughter, and we brothers will probably all have sons if we marry and have children. It seems like there is only one girl in every generation.”

“No one was

for a moment and said, “Anyway, among the generations, even if there were daughters, there was only one. We don’t have one in our generation. My grandma is just like Grandma York, looking forward to having a granddaughter like the stars and the moon. My grandma never expected to have a granddaughter, but now

family having a daughter is not high, it is still better than the York family. At least we will have a daughter. Unlike their York family, they have not had a daughter for several generations. If we count back a

York family’s financial situation had never been bad. But their ancestor gave birth to a

it a fortunate teller problem, or was it destiny that they

daughter got together, but they couldn’t have a daughter. Even if you use scientific intervention to make your wish come true, other things will happen, and you will lose your daughter.

like that. The fortune-teller said that Seren and Zachary are destined to be husband and wife in this life, and they are also destined to have both a son

yes, Serenity will have both a son and a daughter. Our whole family is looking forward to your cousin having both

like Zachary would involuntarily become gentle when looking at Avah. When he hugged her, he was very careful, fearing that the child would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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