"Kathryn will face retribution for this," Marco said bitterly. "I want to see how she dies. Sooner or later, those people in Wiltspoon will take her out.

"Does she really think she can earn their favor by betraying her own family for the sake of socalled justice? They despise us. No matter what she does, she's still my parents' biological daughter-there's no way she'll escape unscathed." "Exactly."

They continued cursing Kathryn the entire way.

When they arrived at Marco's villa, he drove through the gate and parked. Shiloh's brothers stepped out, glancing around. The place was lavish.

Marco had called it a "small house," but compared to what they had in the countryside, this was a mansion.

Marco led them inside.

As they followed him, the eldest brother leaned in and whispered to his younger brother,

brutal fight with Kathryn over the family fortune. If they brought us all

agree unless I do. And if they want us to do something, we name our price-tens of millions, minimum. We won't make the same mistake as last time with Shiloh. We won't risk our lives for nothing." The second brother grunted

had summoned them. They

couldn't take her down, what chance did two nobodies from the countryside have? They had no


on the long sofa. Shiloh's brothers took single chairs.

you called us

If we can help, we will. But we're not in a good financial situation. We scrape

lift a finger for

his teacup, took a slow sip,

did ask you here for a reason," he said. "But don't worry-we'll pay you whether it succeeds or not. This is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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