Chapter 1834

“Let’s fight for freedom!”

The chant grew louder, a wave of sound that surged and swelled, each word carrying the weight of their collective determination.

As Emmanuel’s fist tightened into a resolute grip, an eerie silence enveloped the scene, with all sounds abruptly ceasing in an instant.

“Mr. Emmanuel, all 27 factions from the southern region, with a combined total of over 3700 members, have assembled and arrived!” Vachon appeared, stepping forward to deliver the report.

“Haha! Vachon, you’re even slower this time than Quell, and it’s not just by three seconds!” TriSec immediately chimed in with a teasing remark.

“Hmph, if it’s not for the long distance between the southern region and the northern isles, I’m definitely faster than Quell!” Vachon retorted with evident frustration.

In fact, by the time he reached the southern region, the members of these factions were already fully prepared. But they had been biding their time, holding off until they received the summons from Ophanim Clan before finally embarking on their journey to the northern isles.

For as long as anyone could remember, the factions in the southern region had always been keenly attuned to the Ophanim Clan. Its appeal in the southern region was undeniably far stronger than Night Wolf’s command Over the northern isles!

“Great! Now all the forces of the Dark Night Islands can be mobilized! We are poised to secure the ultimate victory!” Emmanuel declared passionately once more.

But this time, Albin immediately raised a worried objection, her tone fraught with urgency. “Black Wolf King, what about the western region, Solar Group and our own Fire Clan of the Frost and Flame Alliance? Have you abandoned them?”

with curiosity and concern, reflecting the shared apprehension many had about

beginning, Emmanuel had never addressed the western region, leaving

Emmanuel continued to be cryptic, deliberately withholding details as

in their hearts. Fortunately, just as Emmanuel’s words had barely left his lips, a resounding

all the forces assembled? Is it now our Solar Group’s turn to make a dramatic entrance and take

Emmanuel finally let out a sigh of relief,

most devoted follower–the

decisive confidence, advancing alongside the members of Solar

fight your way out of the dungeon?” Albin immediately inquired with curiosity,

the grand scheme from

talent was proficiently orchestrated from behind the scenes with strategies that left nothing to

in the

voice trembled with excitement as she pressed for more details, clearly eager to learn the identity of this formidable

in frustration. “The figure was cloaked in black, and the dungeon was so dimly lit that

interjected, “Let’s not dwell on who he is for now. When the time comes, I’m confident

group as everyone took a moment

and the others couldn’t help but be consumed by thoughts of

questions, thinking, If it truly is him, why isn’t he showing himself? And if he isn’t


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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