Natalie eyed me with a raised brow as she drummed her fingers together. Naturally, I understood what she was trying to say.

“You’re partially right. Indeed, I did the deed with a man, but it wasn’t Justin.”

At the mention of Justin’s name, repugnance swamped me.

Ugh! I was truly blind to fall in love with such a repulsive man!

“What? You did it with another man? What exactly happened?”

Natalie gaped at me with her eyes popping out of her head, obviously shocked by my remark earlier.

Seeing her reaction, I told her about catching Justin and Mabel in bed when I returned to my marital home last night.

“What? Justin actually did such a despicable thing? What a b*stard!”

After listening to my explanation, Natalie was likewise infuriated and started lambasting Justin.

then? You’re supposed to be getting married

that, she looked

canceled,” I

I could still vividly remember the agonizing pain I felt

had personally arranged every single detail. I invested all my time and

I’d like to

man I had loved for seven whole years. Thus, it would be a lie if

want to have a good sleep and forget about him. When I wake up, I’ll simply pretend

was hurting, Natalie left

roused, I heard a racket in the living room and what sounded like

was seemingly

as I opened the bedroom door, I immediately caught sight of Justin sitting on the couch in the living room. Natalie, on the other hand, wore

called out upon spotting

are you doing here, Mr.

to rush forward and demand why he betrayed me, I deliberately feigned a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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