At Natalie’s repeated interrogation, I had no choice but to admit that Michael was my one-night stand.

“Anna, I think Michael Shaw is quite a decent choice. You’ll definitely be better off with him than the scumbag, Justin.”

Probably hoping that I would get over my breakup sooner, Natalie started planting rotten ideas into my mind.

Shaking my head in exasperation, I lamented her impressive imagination inwardly.

We only had a one-night stand, and there’s nothing going on between us. Besides, we’re from different worlds. He’s a big shot who can shake up the entire city with a flick of his hand and has assets all over the country. Everyone knows that he’s an invisible tycoon though he keeps a rather low profile.

“It’s impossible between Michael Shaw and me, so don’t let your imagination wander.”

saying that, I headed back to my room

scraped like a commoner to royalty when he saw him

me in my tracks. For a brief moment, I was indeed tempted. Admittedly, I wanted

it was only a fleeting thought

at the bar that day. Oh well, perhaps rich people have their own troubles as well. Anyway, that’s none of my business. The most important thing now is to get into the right mindset again

resignation letter.

I was probably the most pathetic woman

the breakup with Natalie’s persistent counseling. It finally dawned on me that it wasn’t worth feeling anguished

past few days, my life became peaceful once again. I felt that I was ready to start

for an interview, I changed into a formal dress before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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