On the other hand, I stared at him calmly. He was still glaring at me, demanding an answer, but I didn’t say a word to him. Since I knew I would crumble if I stayed there any longer, I wanted to get out of bed.

“Explain yourself, Anna.” He grabbed my hand. It was a surprise that he was holding himself back instead of yelling at me right away.

“Don’t think too much about it. I need to get out of bed now.” I stared at him calmly. There was no point telling him how I really felt since he only liked me as a f*ck buddy.


“Today’s a Saturday!” He gritted his teeth, and his patience was already running thin.

Sh*t. I totally forgot that it was a weekend, so I didn’t have to go to work, but still, I didn’t want to see him. “I need to see Steven.” I blurted out.


Then I changed into a new set of clothes. I had to leave no matter what, and Michael didn’t stop me. However, he was still glaring at me coldly. I could feel his fury boiling, but I didn’t have the time to care.

Once I left Birchwood, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, I calmed myself down and tried to come up with a plan for the day.

But nothing came to mind. If I went to see Steven, mom would just mock me again, but I couldn’t go back to Michael’s place either. So I just stood there blankly, until my phone started ringing.

I wondered who was calling me, so I whipped my phone out. Ronan? I was slightly annoyed, but I took the call anyway. “Hello.” My voice was cracking up from all the crying.

“What’s up?” Ronan sounded excited.

hanging around.” I

was cracking. “You don’t sound too good. Wait, are you

my parents. Ronan was the only person whom I could feel relaxed around. Besides, he was an optimist,

Where are you anyway? I’ll pick you up,” he agreed readily, and I noticed a hint of worry

waiting at the bus stop. The one where you

Then, he hung up. Ten minutes later, I saw Ronan’s red

gloomy before he came, but his smile melted my sorrow away. One would never go

“Why are you

since we met, but he felt like family to me. Every time I was with him, I felt warm and fuzzy. “Yeah,


from Ronan since I needed

where you’re coming from. You got dealt a bad hand, growing up in that kind of family.” Ronan had seen how my mother

Ronan started getting nervous after asking that question, and he stared

stared at, so I turned away stiffly. “No.

my boyfriend, and we might end our relationship at this rate. Given my circumstances, it might be a long time before I would be ready for

don’t have a boyfriend.” He slowed down and turned to me

gonna work between us.” The thought of Michael alone was torturous for me. I didn’t want to lose myself to him, but

hearing that. It took him a while before he could look me in the eye. “If you like him, why can’t you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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