Chapter 312 The Plan Of Emma

I looked outside the window. Initially, I wanted to jump out of the car to escape, but the car was moving too fast. If I attempted to jump out, I would perish quicker. Even if I escaped death from the fall, a miscarriage would be likely.

I have to come up with a feasible plan to escape immediately.

After scrutinizing the driver, who was focused on driving the car, I noticed that he did not seem to be afraid that I would escape.

Looking at the steering wheel in his hands, I contemplated for a long while. Bracing myself, I lunged toward him and grabbed the steering wheel, hoping to force him to stop the car.

When people encounter danger while driving, their instincts will tell them to stop the car. Once he hits the brakes, I will run away. If I’m lucky, I will be able to escape.

The moment my hands touched the steering wheel, the car immediately started to swerve about wildly.

The driver was shocked and hurriedly pushed me. “What are you doing? Are you trying to end your life!” he yelled, stunned by my actions. When the car started to swerve, my heart was full of fear. Nevertheless, I had to find a way to escape, or else my life would be in greater peril.

He was very strong, but due to my survival instincts, I tightly grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it in a frenzy. In the end, the driver was helpless and had to hit the brakes. The car violently jerked forward before coming to a halt. Thankfully, I braced myself, or else the impact would have been on my stomach, and my baby would be in jeopardy.

When the car stopped, I balanced myself. I immediately opened the door and ran.

Using all my strength, I dashed away. I needed to leave this place immediately. Taking out my phone, I wanted to call Michael. With one of my hands holding my dress and the other, my phone, it was challenging to call him. I fumbled for a long time before I managed to call Michael.

“How dare you! Stop running now!”

 Moreover, my current state made me unable to run quicker.

waste your time by

distance between us was narrowing,

I could finally reach Michael. His gentle voice could be heard from my phone. “Hey, are you reaching

me! Someone has kidnapped

time for pleasantries. I feared for my life, as well as

Where are

Michael’s voice turned frantic.

“I am at…”

my shoulder and

by that man, my heart was filled with terror as I did not know who kidnapped me or

shattered from the fall. I did not know if

the suburbs. Michael,

phone, hoping that Michael

that moment, I wanted to break free from the man and continue running, but I

me, and I was uncertain whether he could rescue the baby

a long time, I blearily opened my eyes. My neck was extremely

a long time before my eyes adjusted to the darkness,

struggled to stand up but to no avail. My hands and feet were bound, and my mouth was

my eyes in realization, I finally understood

needed to calm down no matter how scared I was. I needed escape. As I did not know if Michael heard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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