Chapter 352 Check The Gender Of The Baby

Josephine came to the mansion again that day. When I saw her, an uneasy feeling filled my chest. The last time we met was more than a month ago. It’s unlikely that she will try settling the score for the previous incident now, right?

As I thought of this, worry grew in me.

“You’re here, Mom. Would you like something to drink?” I greeted politely while walking up to her.

“That won’t be necessary. I’m not here for coffee.” 

Josephine merely shot me a glare. Though she was not as hostile as before, her expression was still unfriendly.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Mom? By the way, Michael’s in the office right now. Why don’t you give him a call?”

Wow, the change in Mom’s attitude is rather drastic. Every time she was here, she would teach me a lesson, yet she’s rather polite today.

“I’m here for you, not Michael.” Josephine then turned to face me. Though her gaze was unfriendly, her tone was better than before.

Did she change because I retorted her last time? If so, it’s a blessing in disguise.

“Why are you here today, Mom?”

I couldn’t wrap my head around the reason for her visit. But it seemed that she wasn’t here to lecture me.

correct?” Josephine asked in a flat tone

senses, I couldn’t help but smile inwardly. It seems that Mom changed her attitude

months now,” I replied


baby is fully formed. I want you to go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow.” Josephine spoke in

tomorrow.” I couldn’t hide my feelings

fact that she came to visit my child

give this to the

out a thick envelope from her bag and placed it

by the thickness, I estimated

that Josephine wanted to give the doctor a monetary gift to ensure he took better care of me. If this was her intention, then Josephine truly cared for my

doctors these days are quite responsible and serious. You don’t have to give

the envelope back to her with a troubled look. In my opinion, the monetary gift was unnecessary. Additionally, the hospital prohibited its doctors from receiving monetary gifts. Moreover, even though I was aware of Josephine’s good

this. Nowadays, the doctors won’t tell you the gender of the child if you don’t give them monetary

purpose of her visit. Josephine didn’t care about the baby’s health. Instead, she merely wanted to

flooded with disappointment. I was genuinely irritated

heart, I would cherish the child I had with Michael regardless of

eventually when the baby is born. There’s no need to

offended by her request to check the baby’s gender and felt that she didn’t respect my child, I tried my utmost best to contain my anger toward Josephine and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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