Chapter 213

Three times!!

“Stop looking at me like that!” Daphne covered her face with a pillow from the side.

Julie cautiously asked, “Can I ask when this happened…”

Daphne shot Julie a warning glance.

Julie made a zip-your-mouth gesture.

Exasperated, Daphne yelled at the ceiling, then said, “The first time was the night of the charity gala. After you and Kieran left, Albertine started pouring me drinks. She was such a go-getter, kept pushing me to drink, saying she wanted to catch up with Lord Lion. The baffling thing is, her hubby didn’t even stop her! He actually let her go to Lord Lion’s place. But that’s not the point. The point is, why on earth did they have to drag me into it?”

Fuming, Daphne said, “Then I was forced into their car!”

“Go on.” Julie sounded interested.

Daphne glared at Julie, “I texted you after I got in the car! Do you remember?”

Julie recalled the events of that night and suddenly remembered, “Oh right, I think I got a message from you but I didn’t check it right away. You said Lord Lion was taking you to his place and you were afraid you might not resist sleeping with him. Are you talking about that message”

“That’s the one! I even made up an excuse to use the restroom to call and text you, but you ignored me!”

In Daphne’s second message, she did mention that she was in the restroom.

“Then, Ms. Albertine came to the bathroom to fetch me, so I had to bite the bullet and get back in Lord Lion’s car. Then you texted me saying the fans had surrounded the gala. I told you I was in Lord Lion’s car, asking if you were going to rescue me, but you ignored me again. Then I sent the last message, saying I was ready to give up on myself!”

“I only saw those messages when I got home. Then I asked you if you needed rescuing and you said no because Mr. Lionel would take you home soon. And then you didn’t reply anymore…” Julie said.

Daphne, “That message was sent by Ms. Albertine! She said it’s not good to be on the phone all the time during the party. Let me tell you, I thought I had a decent tolerance for alcohol, but Ms. Albertine got me drunk so easily…”


“Apparently, I was the one who asked him to sleep with me. From what I can remember… that seems to be the case… I was drunk, I thought I was dreaming, haha…”

Julie gave Daphne a thumbs-up, saying, “Respect!”

Daphne went silent.

“So, how did your second time happen? The first time could be an accident, but surely the second time wasn’t?” Julie asked.

second time naturally happened the next morning… I thought, he’s such a big shot, I better not mess with him! So I proposed that we should deal with

to handle this rationally?” asked

Lord Lion asked at

remembered was waking up that morning with her body aching all over, only to find herself in an unfamiliar environment. The deep-blue satin sheets under her had a

drying his hair by the

realized what might have happened the night before. She swallowed hard. Lionel had just finished drying his hair, turned his head and

was her best option

much to drink last night. If

blanket, but heard Lionel’s deep

lips, then said, “I don’t actually remember what

do you plan to handle this rationally?” Lionel said, suddenly undoing the

that Lionel was actually wearing boxers. And most importantly… his

were her “achievements” from last night.


arm from the blanket, forced a smile and said, “Or… you can

a Greek sculpture, making it impossible for Daphne to take her eyes off

naked, so she held the blanket tightly, “I’m not dressed…”

pinch you in the same way, then we’re even. How can I pinch you if you’re covering yourself with the blanket?” He said it as if it made perfect sense, with a hint

her other arm and asked, “Aren’t two arms

looked quite pitiful.

don’t you try exposing your

the blanket, “We must agree first, you can only pinch,

by the bed, Daphne quickly

of handling things rationally? Hiding in the blanket

I don’t fight back, will you

I’ll pinch you there now. As long as you don’t retaliate, we’ll call it even, deal?” Lionel raised an

closed her eyes, “…Okay! Once you’ve had your revenge, let’s never see each other again…”

could finish, Lionel suddenly pounced on her. The proximity and posture made Daphne

happened?” Julie asked Daphne excitedly, “Did he really

that night, he’d pinch me there. Do

once again looked at Daphne

feel like explaining anymore, “Long story short… I ended up pregnant.”

I told my mom

you’re carrying

instantly lowered her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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