Chapter 207

Ivan turned to chat with MoMo. Julie pulled Kieran aside and asked, “Does Ivan usually score this low in tests?”

“You mean like a 10?” He raised an eyebrow.

Julie nodded.

“A 10 is a high score for him,” he glanced back at Ivan.

Julie instantly felt guilty, covering her face, “Oh no, he’s just like me…”

Since childhood, Julie often flunked her exams. She was only interested in learning how to fight and dreamed of becoming a superhero when she grew up.

It wasn’t until Kieran came along that she thought being his wife was more important than being a superhero, and that was when she started to study hard. Seeing Ivan now, she felt like she was looking in a mirror…

Kieran couldn’t help but laugh, and patted her on the shoulder, “Our son is not like you.”

Julie looked up, “How is he not?”

“Our son doesn’t know how to fight.”

Julie went silent.

“Get out of my way!” Julie pushed Kieran aside, went over to the couch, and sat next to Ivan, affectionately stroking his face.


“Mom, Cupid is talking nonsense! Look, I got all these questions right!” Ivan showed his exam paper to Julie.

To express her trust in him, Julie didn’t even look at the exam paper and said, “Ivan, it’s okay if your grades aren’t good. You’re still young. We’ll work hard together and catch up with the other kids, okay?”


“I’ll help you with your studies and teach you how to do practice problems, okay?” Julie gently stroked Ivan’s head, feeling guilty.

Ivan had intended to confess that he deliberately scored low to attract Kerry’s attention, but to his surprise, Mom offered to tutor him!

He immediately nodded excitedly, “Okay!”

Then, he clenched his fists and made a vow, “I will work hard to surpass Cupid!”

Julie gave Ivan a trusting look and held his hand, ‘Shall we go upstairs and study now?”


held Julie’s hand, a satisfied smile on

back at MoMo, “Do you want

head, “No need. My mom has already sent someone to pick me up. They’ll be here soon.”

finished speaking, her bodyguard had reached the door. Ivan waved at MoMo, “See you

ran upstairs

Ivan had just corrected, frowning, “Huh…

the exam paper from MoMo…

wasn’t a single

accompany MoMo’s bodyguard to

to spend more time with Julie, so he didn’t expose Ivan’s pretense. Instead, he went

After dinner.

why did you suddenly change

was still hesitating whether to tell him the truth.

you can’t find

reason? I just… I just wanted to

want to see Julien?” Kieran leaned back on the couch,

turned to look at his father,

I’ll also disappoint you!” Kieran poked Ivan’s forehead, “Do you

don’t believe it!” Ivan said, “Hayden and my Julien are not married, and they don’t have children, so why can’t

Given that I’m your biological father, I’d like to remind you that your godfather is at least

Hayden is only 1.8 meters, less than

up, leaning close to Ivan’s face, “If you can count so clearly, why

son!” Ivan shouted towards the

quickly raised the glass, letting him hug her

Kieran, who was sitting leisurely on the couch, then asked, “How did

let you tutor me!” Ivan

naive. Seeing Ivan’s upset face, she immediately felt sorry for him. She said to Kieran, “Why would you joke about something like

been bullying me like this since I was born! He won’t let me see you, and every time I do poorly on a test, he punishes me!” Ivan became


looked at Kieran and asked,

Ivan nodded vigorously like he was pounding

and asked, “Then why did

reason he was punished last time was that he showed off a photo in front of his father,

end, she helplessly put down the glass, took Ivan’s hand and said, “Come, let’s go upstairs and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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