Chapter 77

“Why don’t you have me, huh? I’ll even pay you.” Kieran flung open the bathroom door at some point, wearing only his underpants, without even the time to put on his clothes.

Kieran had quite the physique, one that was worth appreciating. As transparent water droplets trickled down his body, Julie found her gaze irresistibly

drawn to him.

Adolf hadn’t expected a man to suddenly appear from Julie’s room.

The reason he dared to flirt with Julie so blatantly was because he knew of her background. He knew she was financially strapped and had a critically ill

sister to take care of

He had long noticed Julie’s beauty and had finally mustered up the courage today, only to have a man suddenly appear in Julie’s room.

And this man seemed somewhat familiar, especially the aura he exuded, which was hard to ignore.

To Julie, the words Kieran had just spoken might just be the most shameless she’d ever heard.

Kieran had given Adolf quite the scare. It took him a while to recover, and then, disgruntled, he looked up at Kieran and asked, “Who the hell are you?”

“Tm this woman’s boyfriend,” Kieran paused, then added, “And the man whos about to trash your reputation.”

“Oh, you’re full of hot air. Do you know who I am?” Adolf let go of Julie, obviously intending to take on Kieran next.

Julie knew that Adolf could act so rudely because he had some claut behind him.

The moment Adolf let go of her, she instinctively ran towards Kieran

It was a sense of security deep within that had Julie’s actions outpace her thoughts

Her brain hadn’t even reacted when she limped over to Kieran’s side.

“Give me your phone” Kieran looked at Julie calmly

Julie didn’t understand what Kieran would do, but she handed over the phone anyway

Her phone never had a password Daphne always said she didn’t live like a modern person at all.

Julie watched as Kieran swiftly dialed a couple of numbers on her phone screen, then put the phone to his ear


Adolf thought Kieran would call the police and scoffed, “Heh, the cops in this area all treat me, Adolf, with respect.”

are you Adolf’s wife? I’m the tenant of 3-12, and your husband tried to sexually

Hearing these

trying to snat ch the phone

sidestepping, and Adolf crashed into the

have the time, you might want to come over and see your husband for the last

words would feel

Kieran dodge so nimbly just now, Adolf knew he was definitely no match for him.

soon. The most important thing now was not letting his wife catch him in the act. If he wasn’t caught red handed, he could still find an excuse to deny

Adolf immediately changed his strategy and headed for

had already anticipated

kicked the

Kieran was angry, but his door-kicking action was anything

Kieran stood at

as he asked and

he couldn’t escape from Kieran, Adolf decided to use Julie as a hostage and ran towards her.

badminton racquet from the shoe cabinet by the door

her, didn’t think twice, and immediately picked up the

sides. He was hit in the back of the head by the badminton racquet and hit in the

was a knock on the door outside, but Kieran didn’t open it immediately. Instead, he looked at Julie: “Joyce, the bathrobe.”

got the

his bathrobe, Kieran took Julie’s hand and opened the door.

house, only to see Kieran in his bathrobe

this situation, considering Kieran had just hit Adolf hard enough to

was good at badminton, once representing the city’s badminton team in competition. When the national team selected him, he turned down

pester the school badminton coach every day and finally got the chance to be

winning the award, Kieran gave up on the opportunity. Julie regretfully asked him, “Why wouldn’t you accept such an honor? Isn’t it good to bring

“Compared to bringing glory to the country, I’d rather contribute to our nation’s

the time, Julie thought

looking back now, Kieran had kept his

out of her reminiscence, Kieran had already

by this time, Laurel had quickly run over to Adolf’s side.

Julie’s hand and headed downstairs. He clearly had no intention of explaining what had

Julie and Kieran, the two main culprits behind the assault, just strolled off hand

stood up and chased

things out, but when Laurel caught up, Julie’s first instinct was to grab Kieran’s hand


she seemingly forgot about her injured ankle, and after taking a big step, she

split second, Kieran easily scooped her up in his arms.

back to check

and most well behaved Julie in Kieran’s arms

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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