Chapter 45

When Kieran said to Julie with deep affection, “I believe in you,” Julie felt a pang in her heart.

Adeline gave Julie and Kieran a puzzled look as if questioning what was going on between them. Shifting the topic, Kieran said to Julie, “I was expecting you to discuss compensation with me at lunch today, but you didn’t show up…

“I didn’t stand you up. I never agreed to meet with you,” Julie cut in, clarifying her position.

Adeline nodded, realizing that Kieran had scheduled the meeting with Julie to discuss compensation. The restaurant was close to Simpo Co, so it didn’t seem odd for Kieran to be dining there. But Adeline was suspicious. Was a car accident compensation really something that required Kieran to show up in person?

“The car is mine, Mr. Hernandez. If you want to discuss compensation, talk to me,” Adeline interjected, grinning at Kieran.

But he barely glanced at Adeline before asking, “Were you the one driving?”

excitedly said to Kieran, “But I can take full responsibility. Give me your number,

suddenly called out Julie’s name,

choked when Kieran

patted her back. “Still


and Julie, “You two…”

answer, Julie beat him to it, “I’m

was better to clearly define their relationship than

Adeline understood. “So not

since this is your mess, you should take care of the repair costs yourself.” Adeline’s change of attitude was swift, but she had a point.

Julie moved her chair closer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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